Apr 12, 2008

PECS/ PCS/Visual Supports--- What is the Difference??

PECS vs. PCS vs. Visual Supports

People will say or think that they are using the PECS program when in reality they are simply using picture symbols. We would like to clarify some of these terms and strategies in order to better meet the needs of our students.

PCS – This stands for Picture Communication Symbols which are the symbols in the BoardMaker software program. (“PCS” is sometimes mistakenly interpreted as “PECS”)

BoardMaker – This is the software program containing thousands of pictures which can be used to create picture schedules, manual communication boards, device overlays, etc.

Visual Strategies/Supports – any visuals (pictures, photographs, objects, words) used to support students to increase their understanding of what is being said and what is expected.

PECS – This is a communication program designed to develop functional communication skills in students. It is a multi-stage program that in the initial phases helps guide students to request highly desired items by delivering a single picture symbol to the hand of a communication partner. In the later phases students combine symbols on a sentence strip to exchange with a communication partner to make requests or comments. PECS is designed primarily for students who are not initiating communication or approaching their communication partners. This program is often used with students with autism.

Thank you to Tami Folks from Orange County Public Schools for this post. Please visit the assistive technology link below for activities for home and school!
